Hertfordshire Airfields Memorial Group
RAF Hunsdon & RAF Sawbridgeworth
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RAF Sawbridgeworth memorial

Following on from the successful building of the RAF Hunsdon memorial, another memorial was built at former RAF Sawbridgeworth.
The memorial was dedicated and unveiled on May 14th 2006, which tied in with 2 (AC) Squadron's 94th anniversary reunion held in Harlow that year.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the building and funding of the memorial. Special thanks to Tony Jenkins and Philip C Nathan and indeed all the staff of the The Stock Exchange Veterans Charity Association who have made a very welcome and large donation to the group. This donation means we can pay off our debts and have some funds left for the upkeep of the Sawbridgeworth memorial, and for that we are extremely grateful.
We would also like to thank the local company of Brace Turner for all of their help in the loan of equipment, physical help and encouragement.
The landowner Mr David Morris kindly allowed us to build the memorial on what we considered to be an ideal site at the entrance to the Shingle Hall farm estate in front of the old guardhouse, now in use as an industrial unit.
The memorial is brick built and incorporates a propeller from a crashed WW2 P-51 Mustang, which was generously donated by the East Anglian Aviation Society who are based at the Tower museum at Bassingbourne near Royston.
Below: A few pictures of the memorial being built


All images and text © Hertfordshire Airfields Memorial Group 2004-2015
Mustang, Mosquito, and G/C P. Pickard images were sourced through the public domain.
RAF Hunsdon aerial photo Crown Copyright (RAF Museum)
Website compiled and maintained by Jim Cosgrove on behalf of the Hertfordshire Airfields Memorial Group. Additional material by Denis Sharp.